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This function adds a new attribute called question_preface based on the variable label and value label. It is mostly for variables that come from survey questions that allow for multiple selections (i.e., a "Select all that apply" style question).


set_question_preface(x, data, custom, update_var_label = TRUE)



A vector object, the name of a column in a data.frame, or an an actual data.frame object.


A data.frame or tibble object. This should only be specified when x is only the name of a column in a data.frame.


If a string is provided, sets the question_preface attribute manually. If nothing is provided, will use the existing variable label and value label by removing the value label from the variable label. See examples to see it in practice.


Logical. If TRUE, uses the value label to set a new variable label.


A vector the same type and length of x but with an additional attribute.


# create a fake dataset
df <- data.frame(
  x_1 = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = 10),
  x_2 = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = 10),
  x_3 = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = 10),
  x_4 = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = 10)

# set the variable labels
attr(df$x_1, "label") <- "Which of the following colors do you like? Blue"
attr(df$x_2, "label") <- "Which of the following colors do you like? Red"
attr(df$x_3, "label") <- "Which of the following colors do you like? Yellow"
attr(df$x_4, "label") <- "Which of the following colors do you like? Purple" 

# set the value labels
attr(df$x_1, "labels") <- c("Blue" = 1)
attr(df$x_2, "labels") <- c("Red" = 1)
attr(df$x_3, "labels") <- c("Yellow" = 1)
attr(df$x_4, "labels") <- c("Purple" = 1)

# now let's add a question_preface attribute
df$x_1 <- set_question_preface(df$x_1)
# check to make sure it showed up
#> $label
#> [1] "Blue"
#> $labels
#> Blue 
#>    1 
#> $question_preface
#> [1] "Which of the following colors do you like?"
# now let's not update the variable label
df$x_2 <- set_question_preface(df$x_2, update_var_label = FALSE)
# check the attributes
#> $label
#> [1] "Which of the following colors do you like? Red"
#> $labels
#> Red 
#>   1 
#> $question_preface
#> [1] "Which of the following colors do you like?"
# can also separate the variable and data like so
df$x_3 <- set_question_preface("x_3", data = df)
# check the attributes
#> $label
#> [1] "Yellow"
#> $labels
#> Yellow 
#>      1 
#> $question_preface
#> [1] "Which of the following colors do you like?"
# add a custom string
df$x_4 <- set_question_preface(df$x_4, custom = "Colors liked")
# check the attributes
#> $label
#> [1] "Purple"
#> $labels
#> Purple 
#>      1 
#> $question_preface
#> [1] "Colors liked"