This function makes it easy to calculate row means for multiple variables.
It uses <tidy-select
> syntax to determine which
variables to include in the operation.
- cols
> The variables you want to use when calculating row means- label
A string specifying the variable label. If not specified, defaults to NULL
- na.rm
Determines if NAs should be removed. Default is TRUE.
This function also has the option of adding a new variable label attribute.
Furthermore, it automatically adds two more attributes: transformation
and variables
. The trasnformation
attribute basically explains how the
variable was created by saying "Took the average of..." and then lists
the variables included. variables
just lists the variables included
in the operation.
# load the dplyr package
# make a new df with the new column
new <- test_data %>%
sdo_avg_new = row_means(
# specify the variables involved in the row means
cols = c(top_rev:deserving_flip),
# specify the variable label
label = "Social Dominance Orientation Average",
# remove NAs
na.rm = TRUE
#> Error in mutate(., sdo_avg_new = row_means(cols = c(top_rev:deserving_flip), label = "Social Dominance Orientation Average", na.rm = TRUE)): ℹ In argument: `sdo_avg_new = row_means(...)`.
#> Caused by error in `row_means()`:
#> ! could not find function "row_means"
# Show that the attributes
#> Error in new$sdo_avg_new: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
# show the output
#> Error in new$sdo_avg_new: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable