This function creates a data frame of factor loadings from
a factor analysis. It can be on an object that was created with
or it can be used on a data frame. If used on a
data frame, it will run it on all columns in the data frame. Also
works on grouped data frame if you want to check how the factor
loadings may change along the different levels of a group.
labels = NULL,
threshold = 0.4,
print = "short",
nfactors = 1,
fm = "pa",
rotate = "oblimin",
sort = TRUE
- model
Either a model created using
or a data.frame- labels
Either a character vector or data frame. Creates a new column called "labels" for each variable in the factor analysis.
- threshold
The threshold with which to not show the factor loadings. Default is 0.4.
The printing method. Default is "short" which only prints a dataframe of the factor loadings. The alternative is "long" but that has not been created yet.
- nfactors
Number of factors to extract, default is 1.
- fm
Factoring method fm="minres" will do a minimum residual as will fm="uls". Both of these use a first derivative. fm="ols" differs very slightly from "minres" in that it minimizes the entire residual matrix using an OLS procedure but uses the empirical first derivative. This will be slower. fm="wls" will do a weighted least squares (WLS) solution, fm="gls" does a generalized weighted least squares (GLS), fm="pa" will do the principal factor solution, fm="ml" will do a maximum likelihood factor analysis. fm="minchi" will minimize the sample size weighted chi square when treating pairwise correlations with different number of subjects per pair. fm ="minrank" will do a minimum rank factor analysis. "old.min" will do minimal residual the way it was done prior to April, 2017 (see discussion below). fm="alpha" will do alpha factor analysis as described in Kaiser and Coffey (1965). Default is "pa".
- rotate
"none", "varimax", "quartimax", "bentlerT", "equamax", "varimin", "geominT" and "bifactor" are orthogonal rotations. "Promax", "promax", "oblimin", "simplimax", "bentlerQ, "geominQ" and "biquartimin" and "cluster" are possible oblique transformations of the solution. The default is to do a oblimin transformation, although versions prior to 2009 defaulted to varimax. SPSS seems to do a Kaiser normalization before doing Promax, this is done here by the call to "promax" which does the normalization before calling Promax in GPArotation.
- sort
Logical. If
, the default, the loadings are sorted largest to smallest. IfFALSE
, no sorting occurs.
# first lets get our data set
data <- test_data %>%
# now create the fa object
model <- fa(data, nfactors = 1, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
# get just the loadings
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#> variables PA1 communality uniqueness
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 controlled 0.685 0.469 0.531
#> 2 small 0.654 0.428 0.572
#> 3 run 0.610 0.373 0.627
#> 4 top NA 0.0862 0.914
#> 5 inferior NA 0.122 0.878
#> 6 dominate NA 0.0213 0.979
#> 7 deserving NA 0.00110 0.999
#> 8 special NA 0.0885 0.912
#> 9 harder NA 0.0687 0.931
# get the loadings with the variable labels based on data object
get_loadings(model, data)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#> variables labels PA1 communality uniqueness
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 controlled "Much of our lives are being control… 0.685 0.469 0.531
#> 2 small "Even though we live in a democracy,… 0.654 0.428 0.572
#> 3 run "The people who really \"run\" the c… 0.610 0.373 0.627
#> 4 top "An ideal society requires some grou… NA 0.0862 0.914
#> 5 inferior "Some groups of people are simply in… NA 0.122 0.878
#> 6 dominate "No one group should dominate in soc… NA 0.0213 0.979
#> 7 deserving "Groups at the bottom are just as de… NA 0.00110 0.999
#> 8 special "It is unfair for some groups in soc… NA 0.0885 0.912
#> 9 harder "I have a harder time succeeding tha… NA 0.0687 0.931
# we can do all of this in one step with pipes
test_data %>%
# select only the variables we want in the factor analysis
select(top:run) %>%
# run the factor analysis
fa(., nfactors = 1, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin") %>%
# get the loadings
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#> variables PA1 communality uniqueness
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 controlled 0.685 0.469 0.531
#> 2 small 0.654 0.428 0.572
#> 3 run 0.610 0.373 0.627
#> 4 top NA 0.0862 0.914
#> 5 inferior NA 0.122 0.878
#> 6 dominate NA 0.0213 0.979
#> 7 deserving NA 0.00110 0.999
#> 8 special NA 0.0885 0.912
#> 9 harder NA 0.0687 0.931
# Now let's remove the threshold for the loadings and include labels
test_data %>%
# select only the variables we want in the factor analysis
select(top:run) %>%
# run the factor analysis
fa(., nfactors = 1, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin") %>%
# specify threshold is 0
get_loadings(threshold = 0, labels = data)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#> variables labels PA1 communality uniqueness
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 controlled "Much of our lives are being contro… 0.685 0.469 0.531
#> 2 small "Even though we live in a democracy… 0.654 0.428 0.572
#> 3 run "The people who really \"run\" the … 0.610 0.373 0.627
#> 4 inferior "Some groups of people are simply i… 0.350 0.122 0.878
#> 5 special "It is unfair for some groups in so… 0.297 0.0885 0.912
#> 6 top "An ideal society requires some gro… 0.294 0.0862 0.914
#> 7 harder "I have a harder time succeeding th… 0.262 0.0687 0.931
#> 8 dominate "No one group should dominate in so… 0.146 0.0213 0.979
#> 9 deserving "Groups at the bottom are just as d… -0.0331 0.00110 0.999
# alternatively, we could skip the fa step entirely like so
test_data %>%
# select only the variables we want in the factor analysis
select(top:run) %>%
# specify number of factors, rotation, and factor method
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#> variables PA1 communality uniqueness
#> <chr+lbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 controlled [Much of our lives are being control… 0.685 0.469 0.531
#> 2 small [Even though we live in a democracy, a fe… 0.654 0.428 0.572
#> 3 run [The people who really "run" the country ar… 0.610 0.373 0.627
#> 4 top [An ideal society requires some groups to b… NA 0.0862 0.914
#> 5 inferior [Some groups of people are simply infe… NA 0.122 0.878
#> 6 dominate [No one group should dominate in socie… NA 0.0213 0.979
#> 7 deserving [Groups at the bottom are just as des… NA 0.00110 0.999
#> 8 special [It is unfair for some groups in societ… NA 0.0885 0.912
#> 9 harder [I have a harder time succeeding than my… NA 0.0687 0.931
# we can also specify the number of factors, rotation, and factoring method
test_data %>%
# select only the variables we want in the factor analysis
select(top:run) %>%
# specify number of factors, rotation, factor method, and threshold
get_loadings(nfactors = 2, rotate = "varimax", fm = "minres", threshold = 0.2)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#> variables MR1 MR2 communality uniqueness
#> <chr+lbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 run [The people who really "run" the cou… 0.692 NA 0.503 0.497
#> 2 small [Even though we live in a democrac… 0.656 NA 0.430 0.570
#> 3 controlled [Much of our lives are being … 0.642 NA 0.425 0.575
#> 4 special [It is unfair for some groups in… 0.294 NA 0.0887 0.911
#> 5 inferior [Some groups of people are simp… 0.292 0.646 0.503 0.497
#> 6 dominate [No one group should dominate i… 0.263 -0.415 0.241 0.759
#> 7 harder [I have a harder time succeeding … 0.254 NA 0.0655 0.935
#> 8 top [An ideal society requires some grou… 0.225 0.587 0.395 0.605
#> 9 deserving [Groups at the bottom are just… NA -0.429 0.187 0.813
# we can also calculate the factor loadings by a grouping variable
test_data %>%
# select the grouping variable and the variables to be used in factor analysis
select(edu_f2, top:run) %>%
# group the data
group_by(edu_f2) %>%
# specify number of factors, rotation, factor method, and threshold
get_loadings(nfactors = 2, rotate = "varimax", fm = "minres", threshold = 0.2)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 6
#> groups variables MR1 MR2 communality uniqueness
#> <chr> <chr+lbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 No College Degree run [The p… 0.723 NA 0.528 0.472
#> 2 No College Degree small [Eve… 0.670 NA 0.453 0.547
#> 3 No College Degree cont… [Muc… 0.598 0.208 0.401 0.599
#> 4 No College Degree domi… [No … 0.438 -0.332 0.302 0.698
#> 5 No College Degree hard… [I h… 0.303 NA 0.106 0.894
#> 6 No College Degree spec… [It … 0.245 NA 0.0964 0.904
#> 7 No College Degree infe… [Som… NA 0.682 0.483 0.517
#> 8 No College Degree top [An id… NA 0.633 0.416 0.584
#> 9 No College Degree dese… [Gro… NA -0.485 0.235 0.765
#> 10 At Least a Bachelor's Degree run [The p… 0.641 NA 0.413 0.587
#> 11 At Least a Bachelor's Degree cont… [Muc… 0.640 0.215 0.456 0.544
#> 12 At Least a Bachelor's Degree small [Eve… 0.639 NA 0.429 0.571
#> 13 At Least a Bachelor's Degree spec… [It … 0.325 NA 0.112 0.888
#> 14 At Least a Bachelor's Degree infe… [Som… 0.293 0.588 0.432 0.568
#> 15 At Least a Bachelor's Degree dese… [Gro… 0.263 -0.399 0.229 0.771
#> 16 At Least a Bachelor's Degree top [An id… NA 0.573 0.368 0.632
#> 17 At Least a Bachelor's Degree domi… [No … NA -0.503 0.288 0.712
#> 18 At Least a Bachelor's Degree hard… [I h… NA NA 0.0223 0.978