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This function was created to produce results very similar to what you'll find at broom.helpers, with a few changes. Most notably, and the main reason for creating this function, you can standardize the regression coefficients by scaling and mean-centering the input data.


  conf.level = 0.95,
  standardize = FALSE, = 2,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  add_ss = TRUE,
  add_labels = TRUE,
  add_n = FALSE,
  model_name = NULL



A model object created using either lm or glm. Can also be piped into the function.


A number between 0 and 1 that signifies the width of the desired confidence interval. Default is 0.95, which corresponds to a 95% confidence interval.


Logical. If TRUE, reports standardized regression coefficients by scaling and mean-centering input data. Default is FALSE.

Logical. If standardize is TRUE, determines the number of standard deviations used to scale the data. Default is 2.


Logical. If TRUE, reports exponentiated coefficients with confidence intervals for exponential models like logit and Poisson models. This quantity is known as an odds ratio for binary outcomes and incidence rate ratio for count models. Default is FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, the default, a new column is created called ss that gives a "Yes" if the term is statistically significant and a "No" if the term is not statistically significant.


Logical. If TRUE adds variable and value labels


Logical. If true adds the number of observations per variable


A character string that adds a new column titled model with the supplied character string as the rows. If NULL, the default, no column is created.

This is useful if you are comparing multiple models with similar variable and need to clarify which estimates are associated with which model.


A data.frame summarizing the results of an lm() or glm() object.


This function also takes advantage of tidy_add_reference_rows/, tidy_add_term_labels/, and tidy_add_n/ to allow you to include the reference row for each variable, the underlying variable and value labels, and the number of observations.